spain granadaHoly sh*t you guys. It’s about 10:30 pm here and I was sitting on a high wall overlooking a river walk getting a little fresh air. I’d just come out of a flamenco show that I fell asleep in (I wish I was kidding – it just had so much siiiiiinging – haha Susan Brown). Anyway I was just soaking it in, and then this rat comes tearing out of the bushes near me at a dead run, scales the wall I’m sitting on, and JUMPS. The drop is at least 15 feet – maybe a little more -and it’s concrete below, so I think, “Oh my god, I just watched a rat kill itself.” I even heard a sick thud sound, so I looked down expecting to see a sad, dead creature. Then it ran away. IT RAN AWAY. What. The. Hell. So there’s another thing this city has – Superrats. OK. Didn’t see that in the guide book. I stood up and beat cheeks out of the park because this bizarre episode scared me, and where there is one insane rat, there are more. But first I took a picture of the drop over the wall. It doesn’t look that high until you notice the woman walking in the upper left. Seriously, WTH? I’m leaving tomorrow. I mean, I was already leaving tomorrow, but for sure now. It’s been cool, Seville, but it just got weird. Bye.