COVID Positive Captivity – Day Two:

You know, there are a lot worse places to be quarantined besides a Greek Island, and Sondra and I are determined to make the best of our situation even though we don’t technically know what our situation is. Still no call from the authorities and it increasingly appears that my COVID-infected body and I are off the grid. Even so, we are being good stewards of the illness and taking care to not expose others while this works its way out of my system. I wish the person who gave this to me had done the same.

It’s not exactly a tropical vacation here. We had to go buy some clothes from street vendors because we came packed for summer weather but those 75 degree days have quickly disappeared and we are freezing our asses off. There really isn’t anything to do anyway – at least not outside. Santorini is basically a big volcanic rock encrusted with nothing but white buildings and blue domes – no parks, no vegetation – nothing except for scrubland and streets that all pretty much look exactly the same. Boring.

Still, we have sustained our good humor by day drinking, binge-watching Lucifer on Netflix, and having a sunset dance party on our rooftop deck. One thing we realized as we were blaring the D-Gees (the Foo Fighter’s amazing version of Bee Gee hits – thanks Susan Brown) and doing our best Travolta moves is that, thanks to the steep hills around us, our rooftop is pretty much eye-level with a pedestrian street nearby. Haha. Oh, yes, they stared quizzically, no doubt wondering whether 1) it was a bar they hadn’t discovered, 2) there were other people they couldn’t see or 3) we were insane. We don’t care. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the most fun club in town – and very exclusive. I’m sure they wished they were here. 💃🕺👯‍♀️😁

To be honest, I can definitely tell I’m not quite well. 😪 I’m congested and tired – not a big deal – but I have had both the Johnson AND Pfizer vaccines. I can’t imagine what this does to a body with no vaccine onboard. Sondra is holding her own. We found a pharmacy with personal rapid tests so we tested ourselves today – I’m still positive and she’s not. Go figure. Also, she exercises every day to keep fit and sane, and I…. don’t. Not surprising that she’s not sick.

Our fridge is full of food and booze and the Internet works, so life is good so far. We are trying to figure out how we are going to survive eight more days of this, though. Maybe we will have to devise some Survivor-style challenges for each other or start an elaborate game of hide-and-seek. Or maybe we need more dance parties. Wish us luck…😘👯‍♀️