costa rica rio celesteThey say that Costa Rica is the heartbeat of the world’s biodiversity, and I believe it. I have seen wonders that defy the imagination, like this sky blue river that flows to Rio Celeste, a magical waterfall that drops into a pool of impossible blue. The blue is a peculiar chemical reaction resulting from three streams converging, and you can hike to the very spot where that reaction starts. You can also hike – very illegally- downstream to an area that rivals the most magical places I’ve ever been: sky blue water cascading over picture-perfect rocks upriver and down, and in the middle near the shore a natural hot pool from the Tenorio Volcano’s magma force – the depth and temperature just perfect for a sit.

Blue morpho butterflies – gigantic creatures with brilliant blue wings – flitted about, chased by others in vivid yellow and orange. Clay, made from the volcano’s forces for 10,000 years, serves as an impromptu spa facial for me that women in San Jose are paying $100 for. Surreal. Many thanks to my law-breaking guide, known as Johnny Guide, of course, for off-roading it to this incredible place that so few get to see. Many photos to come. But for the moment, all I can say is I think I’ve seen heaven.